Black LCA Tungsten (3 oz) - 1/4-20 Thread Fit

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Black LCA Tungsten (3 oz) - 1/4-20 Thread Fit


***NOTE*** - This Tungsten Weight fits a 1/4-20 thread size.

Would you like to reduce your stabilizer weight stack by almost 2/3? Using LCA Tungsten stabilizer weights, you can do just that! These weights are the same size as a standard 1 oz stainless steel weight, but when put on a scale, they come out to an impressive 3 oz each. These weights allow you to cut down the overall length of your weight stack, keeping the weight stack from catching as much wind drag and keeping the weights from hitting your side. This system creates a higher weight amount in a much shorter package. Great for shooters who have a max stabilizer length in their class. Non-threaded, so the weights slide onto your stud easily, don’t stick together, and allow you to use one stud for up to 36 oz of weight without needing multiple threaded studs. LCA Tungsten is 2nd to none and is now sold using an ALL-NEW flat black scratch-resistant coating. The weights sell individually, and the images shown compare 30 oz of LCA Tungsten to 30 oz of standard Stainless Steel.

NOTE: The weights are not threaded, so a weight cap + stud is required. You can also use your rubber stabilizer dampener as a cap on your front or sidebar to hold your weights onto your threaded stud. Refer to the comparison image to determine which length stabilizer stud you need for your setup.


ALL-NEW - Flat black, scratch-resistant coating

• Small and dense design

• Cuts your weight stack by almost 2/3

• Better center of gravity for your weight

• Shorter weight stack provides less wind drag

• Non-threaded, so the weights slide onto your stud with ease, don’t stick together, and allow you to use one stud for up to 36 oz of weight without needing multiple threaded studs.

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Weight Cap + Stud (1" - 2" - 3" Options) 1/4-20 Size